Língua Portuguesa II

Blog de apoio à disciplina Língua Portuguesa II, no curso de Letras Português-Inglês da Faculdade Saberes, Vitória-ES.

segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008

E-BOOK: Research in Applied Linguistics: Becoming a Discerning Consumer by Fred L. Perry Jr.

Research in Applied Linguistics: Becoming a Discerning Consumer by Fred L. Perry Jr.
Posted By : Alexpal | Date : 14 Dec 2008 21:02 | Comments : 1

Research in Applied Linguistics: Becoming a Discerning Consumer by Fred L. Perry Jr.
Publisher: Not Avail | Number Of Pages: 100 | Publication Date: 2005-07-01 | ISBN-10: 0805846840 | PDF | 1 Mb

This text provides a solid introduction to the foundations of research methods, with the goal of enabling students and professionals in the field of applied linguistics to become not just casual consumers of research who passively read bits and pieces of a research article, but discerning consumers able to effectively use published research for practical purposes in educational settings. All issues important for understanding and using published research for these purposes are covered. Key principles are illustrated with research studies published in refereed journals across a wide spectrum of applied linguistics. Exercises distributed throughout the text encourage readers to engage interactively with what they are reading at the point when the information is fresh in their minds.

*Part I introduces the foundations necessary for becoming a discerning consumer. Research terminology is defined and illustrated. The thinking and process that researchers go through is explained and illustrated. The reader is shown how to find research articles through both traditional and electronic means. *Part II is structured around the standard format in which components of a typical research report appear in most research journals. Issues such as research design, data collection methods, and data handling procedures, are discussed at a level that is understandable and useful to the novice consumer.

Research in Applied Linguistics: Becoming a Discerning Consumer is designed so that it can be used as a text for courses in M.A.-TESOL/TEFL and applied linguistics programs. Course instructors will find that this book provides a strong framework in which to promote student interaction and discussion on important issues in research methodology. This book has been field tested during development and has proven to be an effective instrument for bringing people up to the level of 'discerning consumer' over a relatively short period of time.

sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2008

Style and Social Identities: Alternative Approaches to Linguistic Heterogeneity by Peter Auer

Style and Social Identities: Alternative Approaches to Linguistic Heterogeneity by Peter AuerPublisher: Mouton de Gruyter Number Of Pages: 513 Publication Date: 2007-08-01 ISBN-10: 311019080X PDF 2 Mb

This volume presents an interactional perspective on linguistic variability that takes into account the construction of social identities through the formation of social communicative styles. It shows that style is a useful category in bridging the gap between single parameter variation and social identity. Social positioning, i.e., finding one's place in society, is one of its motivating forces.Various aspects of the expression of stylistic features are focused on, from language choice and linguistic variation in a narrow sense to practices of social categorization, pragmatics patterns, preferences for specific communicative genres, rhetorical practices including prosodic features, and aesthetic choices and preferences for specific forms of taste (looks, clothes, music, etc.). These various features of expression are connected to multimodal stylistic indices through talk; thus, styles emerge from discourse. Styles are adapted to changing contexts, and develop in the course of social processes.The analytical perspective chosen proposes an alternative to current approaches to variability under the influence of the so-called variationist paradigm.

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quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2008

E-book: Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quanitfication and Assessment by David Malvern

Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quanitfication and Assessment by David Malvern
Posted By : Alexpal | Date : 09 Dec 2008 20:48 | Comments : 0

Lexical Diversity and Language Development: Quanitfication and Assessment by David Malvern, Brian J. Richards, Ngoni Chipere, Pilar Duran
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan | Number Of Pages: 288 | Publication Date: 2004-09-04 | ISBN-10: 1403902313 | PDF | 1 Mb

Vocabulary richness, including lexical diversity and use of rare words, has an important role in assessing proficiency, diagnosing progress and testing theory in the study of language development. This book first reviews different methods for quantifying how vocabulary is deployed in spontaneous speech and writing, and then introduces an alternative approach which can assess overall lexical diversity, measure morphology development and compare the development of different word classes. The new approach is illustrated by its application to first and second language learners.

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2008

E-book: Language Visible: Unraveling the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z (2003)

Language Visible: Unraveling the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z
Posted By : softhunt | Date : 20 Dec 2007 17:06 | Comments : 4

By David Sacks"Language Visible: Unraveling the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z" 
Publisher:Broadway | Pages:416 | Date:2003-08-19 | ISBN:0767911725 | RAR | PDF | 9Mb

Letters are tangible language. Joining together in endless combinations to actually show speech, letters convey our messages and tell our stories. While we encounter these tiny shapes hundreds of times a day, we take for granted the long, fascinating history behind one of the most fundamental of human inventions -- the alphabet. The heart of the book is the 26 fact-filled “biographies” of letters A through Z, each one identifying the letter’s particular significance for modern readers, tracing its development from ancient forms, and discussing its noteworthy role in literature and other media. We learn, for example, why the letter X has a sinister and sexual aura, how B came to signify second best, why the word “mother” in many languages starts with M, and what is the story of O.

Packed with information and lavishly illustrated, Language Visible is not only accessible and entertaining, but essential to the appreciation of our own language.

Posted By: Fizzer Date: 20 Dec 2007 18:01

terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2008

ARTIGO: Correntes lingüísticas: notas sobre o formalismo e o funcionalismo

Leilane Ramos da Silva

Costuma-se afirmar, nos compêndios dedicados aos estudos da linguagem, que o pensamento lingüístico ocidental é representado, basicamente, por dois grandes pólos de atenção: o Formalismo e o Funcionalismo. Mas, o que representam essas abordagens? Em que elas se diferenciam? Quais seus principais representantes? Qual a importância de cada uma delas no rol dos estudos lingüísticos? O presente artigo procura elucidar, ainda que de forma sucinta, essas
questões, a partir da observação das diretrizes teórico-metodológicas empreendidas por essas abordagens para o desenvolvimento dos estudos lingüísticos atuais.

Leia o artigo completo aqui.

Século XX: o século da controvérsia na Lingüística Aplicada

e no ensino de Gramática


Maria Alice Capocchi Ribeiro, FFP, Departamento de Letras - UERJ


A controvérsia, como define Aurélio Buarque de Hollanda Ferreira (1995:176), consiste na “discussão ou debate regular acerca de assunto literário, científico, etc.; contestação, polêmica”.

Em seu constante questionamento sobre o mundo que o cerca, o homem estabelece relações causais e comparativas entre as diversas áreas do conhecimento. Conseqüentemente, todo conhecimento é construído e reconstruído a partir da reflexão e discussão geradas pela comparação e contestação de conhecimentos prévios. O conhecimento pode então ser entendido não somente como um produto, mas como um processo em contínua reconstrução, inserido em contextos sociais, históricos, e políticos.

Sendo assim, este século – definido por diversos autores como sendo o século da informação e da controvérsia – é, em outras palavras, um século marcado pelo desenvolvimento e aplicação do pensamento crítico. Comparando-o com o século anterior - o qual fixou parâmetros científicos que regiam o pensar e assim, de uma certa forma, acabou restringindo o próprio pensar - o século XX pode ser definido como o século do pensar reflexivo e crítico.

Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar resumidamente as diferentes correntes lingüísticas propostas ao longo deste século, as influências que estas receberam de outras disciplinas e estabelecer alguns dos inúmeros relacionamentos possíveis com o ensino de gramática.

A asserção que permeia este trabalho defende uma redefinição do conceito de que “a história é cíclica”: esta frase, em diversas ocasiões utilizada sob a ótica de um ‘retrocesso’ (em contraposição a um desenvolvimento) ou de uma ‘falta de imaginação’ constitui na verdade uma das mais importantes características do pensamento e do desenvolvimento do conhecimento. Ao retomar conceitos e idéias propostos anteriormente e estabelecer diversas relações entre eles, estamos na verdade fazendo uma releitura dos mesmos, mais crítica e mais abrangente, e levantando uma polêmica, a qual, por sua vez, leva à reflexão e à reconstrução do conhecimento.

Iniciaremos nosso passeio pela história da Lingüística no final do século XIX, apresentando brevemente a Abordagem Tradicional ao ensino de línguas, para então passarmos ao século XX.

Leia aqui o artigo completo.

terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2008

E-book: The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought (2008)

The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought
Posted By : tot167 | Date : 10 Nov 2008 20:57 | Comments : 4

Jr., Raymond W. Gibbs “The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought" 
Cambridge University Press | 2008-09-22 | ISBN: 0521841062 | 564 pages | PDF | 5,7 MB

The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought offers the most comprehensive collection of essays in multidisciplinary metaphor scholarship that has ever been published. These essays explore the significance of metaphor in language, thought, culture, and artistic expression. There are five main themes of the book: the roots of metaphor, metaphor understanding, metaphor in language and culture, metaphor in reasoning and feeling, and metaphor in nonverbal expression. Contributors come from a variety of academic disciplines, including psychology, linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, literature, education, music, and law.

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